Sunday, September 7, 2008

Sarah Palin's Quiet Queenmakers

When John McCain announced he was picking Sarah Palin, a neophyte 1st term governor from Alaska he made two groups ecstatically happy: the oil lobby and the Council for National Policy. Sarah Palin is "an American Margaret Thatcher" crows way-the-winds-blow, Dick Morris

So just who is the CNP and what are their goals? Well, superficially, the organization claims to be a group of social, economic and religious conservatives formed to provide a "counterweight" to Washington's "liberal" institutions and the Rockefeller's Council on Foreign Policy. But a look at the top names among their membership reveals that they are the coalescence of the hard Religious Right and the John Birch Society. If all of this is new to you then that's just the way the Council intended it.

CNP policy states:

“The media should not know when or where we meet or who takes part in our programs, before or after a meeting."

The membership list is “strictly confidential.” Guests can attend only with the unanimous approval of the organization’s executive committee. Members can be banned for referring to the council by name, even in e-mail messages.

New York Times reporter David Kirkpatrick was finally able to pierce the CNP veil in August of '04 when he attended a gathering of the group in New York City just before the Republican convention, where the organization presented former Senator Bill Frist with the “Jefferson Award.”

The Times described the CNP as consisting of “a few hundred of the most powerful conservatives in the country” who meet “behind closed doors at undisclosed locations…to strategize about how to turn the country to the right.”

The Council was not satisfied with the '08 slate of Republican candidates. It seemed even flat-earther Mike Huckabee was considered too liberal, both for the religious conservatives and their allies among the neocons. They would vote for McCain but if he wanted their full support he had to pick a V.P of their choosing.


The council is tied to an earlier group founded by Willard Garvey, (No Relation!) the National Center for Privatization [NCP]. Its 1986 Board of Directors included Garvey and Robert D. Love, a founding member of the council for The John Birch Society who, according to a JBS publication cited by The Belmont Brotherhood, was "a Thirty-second Degree KCCH Mason, a member of the Median Shrine." 4.

The purpose of Garvey's group was "to educate Americans about the then-new concept of 'Privatization'".

It's manifesto stated: "the foremost objective of the National Center for privatization is to encourage by all practical and legal means, the transfer of activities and responsibilities now being funded with coerced tax dollars, to the private profit and voluntary sector of the economy."

In 1984, Willard Garvey wrote a letter to the President which described the objective of the National Center for Privatization -- non-profit organizations and the private sector must render the cumbersome machinery of representative government obsolete! Garvey's letter [see below] was published in a media promotion for an International Conference On Family Choice/Educational Vouchers that was sponsored by the NCP on Sept. 30-Oct. 2 of 1985. Speakers for the "Privatizing Education" conference were members of the secretive Council for National Policy -- namely James Dobson, Tim LaHaye and Phyllis Schlafly, and also free market economist, Milton Friedman and Secretary of Education, William Bennett.

6 April 1984
President Ronald Reagan
Executive Office of the President
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington , D.C. 20500 Re: Privatization
President Reagan, congratulations on rejecting the political system negatives. Now why not adopt the all positive system -- privatization? Hold a White House conference on Privatization and appoint a Presidential Task Force on privatization.
Privatization is documented in the enclosed paper from the Heritage Foundation and dates back at least to Adam Smith, Plato, Aristotle and Jesus.
Privatization's more recent advocates include most of the non-profit sector-- and the entire profit sector. To name a few, Peter Drucker, Milton Friedman, Heritage Foundation, Reason Foundation, Pacific Institute, Manhattan Institute, National Legal Center for the Public Interest, VOLUNTEER -- National Center for Citizen Involvement, International Executive Service Corps, United Way with its Services Identification System, churches, labor unions, etc.
Privatization is now "an idea whose time has come" The knowledge, communication, and computer industry can make political representatives obsolete!
Privatization might well be the theme for the 200th anniversary of the Constitution. Privatization is essential for national salvation.
To restore privatization is the National Center for Privatization's purpose. May we help you?
With best wishes,
Willard W. Garvey
Encl: Heritage Foundation paper
National Center for Privatization brochure

Chief among the leadership of the Council for National Policy is Richard Viguerie who pushed for Palin's selection.

Richard Viguerie, Godfather of the Reactionary Conservative Movement

Viguerie started his own direct mail fundraising company, RAVCO, now Viguerie Communications, using Barry Goldwater mailing lists. In 1970s, he did fundraising for Paul Weyrich's Committee for the Survival of a Free Congress, and in 1976 ran for the presidential nomination of the neo-fascist, Klan-infested American Independent Party (AIP) of George Wallace. In 1975, he created The Conservative Caucus (TCC) with Howard Phillips.

In 1986, Viguerie was rescued from near bankruptcy thanks to earning an account for distribution of the Unification Church-owned Insight magazine. In 1987, Bo Hi Pak, a former Korean military-intelligence officer and Moon's top U.S. operative, paid $10.06 million for Viguerie's office building. Also, in 1987, Viguerie became Secretary of the Moon-controlled American Freedom Coalition (AFC), an alliance of political conservatives and conservative religious groups and individuals. In this position, Viguerie mailed millions of letters appealing for funds to lobby aid to the Contras and promote Oliver North's testimony before Congress.

Viguerie's past and present clients include: NCPAC, The Conservative Caucus, Christian Crusade, Korean Cultural Freedom Foundation (Rev. Moon), Gun Owners of America, YAF, Free Congress Foundation and numerous election campaigns. Among his wealthy contributors are right-wing billionaires Joseph Coors and William Herbert and Nelson Bunker Hunt.

Viguerie described his conservative brethren as being "cranky" over the choice of McCain and boasted his success in forcing Palin onto the ticket: "Some folks raise questions about John McCain's health, but we know one thing about his health: His hearing works just fine."

In case any of us are inclined to think the hard right will not back McCain/Palin 100% here's what Viguerie client and fellow Council member said about supporting George W. Bush in 2000:
"the Bush campaign apparatus is doing its best to suppress conservative activism." Bush had apparently not spoken with sufficient fervor against abortion and refused to establish an antiabortion litmus test for his running mate and judicial appointees. Weyrich went on to threaten that "Bush will fail to fire up the social conservative activists he needs to carry him on to victory"

Weyrich was blowing smoke, and thanks to the Supremes, we all know how that turned out. But make no mistake the real heavyweight backing Sarah Palin is Big Oil and in particular, Koch Industries, (the Council's secret underwriter and Birch Society co-founder). They'll even pretend she was against them before she was for them.


Anonymous said...

She's pretty scary stuff mostly because they (her backers) have done such a great job of packaging her so that she appears as a breath of fresh air (i.e., not the same stultifying old white guys) but she's really old wine in a new wineskin.

Anonymous said...

I agree with nycmomma. She's just a smokescreen. It will be interesting to see how long she can hide the truth about her record