Thursday, March 19, 2009

All Fail to Chief

Last week I wrote this warning that this blow-up of the financial markets was not only foreseen but is being carefully primed to set the stage for Obama's undoing. This is not some conspiracy theory I dreamed up in a vacuum. Those of us who are steeped in the African American experience understand how minorities are often and easily made to take the blame for trying times. In fact these very concerns were being discussed from months before Obama's election.

We also know that scapegoating occurs most often in times of economic distress. People are most likely to lash out against "the other" when their livelihoods are being threatened. As CNN reports:

In Detroit, Michigan, where the weak economy has taken a particularly devastating toll, Jeff Schoep serves as the commander for the National Socialist Movement, one of the largest neo-Nazi groups in the United States.

Schoep said he has seen membership grow by 40 percent in recent months, mostly because of the dire economic circumstances.

Now, after first issuing denials, Senate Banking Committee Chairman Christopher Dodd claims it was the Obama administration who asked him to insert a provision in last month’s $787 billion economic- stimulus legislation that supposedly "authorized" those AIG bonuses.

We are told to overlook the fact that the two senators who chair committees charged with overseeing AIG and the insurance industry are Sen. Dodd and Sen. Max Baucus (D-Mont.) who also happen to be two of the most favored recipients of AIG's largesse. Baucus has collected more money from AIG than from any other company--$91,000. And with more than $280,000, AIG has been the fourth largest contributor to Dodd.

Why? Because both Dodd and Baucus are suddenly being righteously adamant that AIG executives not receive any bonus compensation. But while the liberal blogs are all in an uproar over poor maligned Chris Dodd, the real theft, compensating AIG to the tune of $ 180 billion for committing fraud fails the smell test unremarked. A perfect bit of Washingtonian Kibuki theater played out for the gullible numbskulls while our hard earned savings continue to burn and disappear into smoke.

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