Monday, May 18, 2009

The "Appearance" of Truth (updated)

Martin Luther King Jr. warned us before being murdered that America was on its way to spiritual death. That prophesy has all but come true. As a country our obsession with "being number 1" has left us financially, morally and ethically bankrupt.
[Journalist, Pepe Escobar explains why Obama is so keen on the war in Afghanistan:] "rest assured, nothing of significance takes place in Eurasia without an energy angle. In the case of Afghanistan, keep in mind that Central and South Asia have been considered by American strategists crucial places to plant the flag; and once the Soviet Union collapsed, control of the energy-rich former Soviet republics in the region was quickly seen as essential to future U.S. global power."
I fear for the next generation. They are about to reap the whirlwind.

In its lust for global hegemony no act is too low for our government. There is a simple reason why Obama has suddenly realized Guantanamo's "high value" detainees cannot be tried in Federal court. They are probably innocent-- certainly of the crimes for which they're being accused. Now the ghost of Ibn al-Shaykh Al-Libi appears like "Banquo" in the last act of Dick Cheney's repulsive tale of torture and false confessions.

Majid Khan's father believes that his son is innocent. Unfortunately his son's "guilt" was vital to the government's determination to go to war in South/Central Asia. In a letter placed in the record, Ali Khan describes how Majid, was convinced to "confess".

"The Americans tortured him for eight hours at a time, tying him tightly in stressful positions in a small chair until his hands feet and mind went numb. They retied him in a chair every hour, tightening the bonds on his hands and feet each time so that it was more painful. He was often hooded and had difficulty breathing. They also beat him repeatedly, slapping him in the face, and deprived him of sleep. "When he was not being interrogated, the Americans put Majid in a small cell that was totally dark and too small for him to lie down in or sit in with legs stretched out. He had to crouch. The room was also infested with mosquitoes. This torture only stopped when Majid agreed to sign a statement that he wasn’t even allowed to read. But then it continued when Majid was unable to identify certain streets and neighborhoods in Karachi that he did not know."

In our present government "it is the appearance of truth that is important"-- President, John. F. Kennedy

James Farmer, author of "The Ground Truth: The Story Behind America's Defense on 9/11" 'the official version not only is almost entirely untrue but serves to create a false impression of order and security.'

And yes, as I opined years ago... Bin Laden is dead.

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