Thursday, September 16, 2010

Lords of the Republic

What has surprised you most about working inside of Washington?"
"The thing that has surprised me most is how hard it is to have a conversation about substance."-- Elizabeth Warren

The self-proclaimed "democratic-wing" of the Democratic Party has apparently gotten its wish. Elizabeth Warren is about to be tasked with setting up the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau within the Treasury Dept. I wish her the best but her comment on Washington said it all: she'll be railing at shadows and tilting at windmills.

In the New World Order politicians have been reduced to the role of puppets and the elite's handmaidens. No matter the flavor of their current parliaments the masses of the world have very little say in their own governments. Such privilege resides in the Pentagon and on the boards of the Bilderbergs and the Trilateral Commission.

No Justice, No Peace

"Just societies cannot be run by big money or armed forces with their too narrow agendas. Limitless desire for wealth and blind ambition must be watched and contained as potential public dangers. The most informed minds must determine objectively, with due consideration of all points of view, what the most healthy and practical goals for the commonwealth are.

"Until philosophers are kings, or the kings and princes of this world have the spirit and power of philosophy, … cities will never have rest from their evils,”--Plato, the Republic

"The behavior of the political leadership in contemporary Africa has eroded the moral base of the socialist ideology. Instead of playing its role as "a set of ideas about what form a good society should take,"it is used as an instrument for political propaganda and unjustified manipulation of the people as a means for the `philosopher kings' to realize their interests, i.e., political monopoly, a monopoly which is politically and socially unhealthy.

Under such circumstances, where wisdom has been put aside, political authority and power lacks valid foundation."--J.K. Kingongo, Prof. of Philosophy, Makerere University

That the Soldier and the Capitalist now presume to play the part of philosopher kings would surely earn a Platonic chuckle. But then even the great Sage understood his Ideal was a Dream.

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